Mansaku No Hana Tokubetsu Junmai Umakara


Brewery | Hinomaru Jozo

Brand | Mansaku No Hana

Location | Akita Prefecture, Japan

Grading | Tokubetsu Junmai

RPR | 55%

Alc | 15%

Volume | 720ml

Ingredients | Rice, water, koji, yeast.

Tasting notes | Superb balance between pleasant acidity and refreshing dryness. Rich umami brought by the Akinosei rice, cultivated by the master brewer himself. It is ideal to accompany daily meals.


Store in cool, dark place. Refrigerate once open.

Awards | IWC 2019 Commended

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Superb balance between pleasant acidity and refreshing dryness. Rich umami brought by the Akinosei rice, cultivated by the master brewer himself. It is ideal to accompany daily meals.